put your glass up in the air

Happy halloween! I've put on my cowgirl-suit and I'm ready to have a drink or two. But can you believe it? I forgot to buy alcohol before they closed the alcohol sale today... in Norway you can't buy alcohol after six on saturdays. Crazy, right? So there I was on the bus, exhausted as I went out yesterday as well, happy that I got all my shopping done, and realized it was ten to six, and while I was supposed to buy my beer, I had been wandering aimlessly around looking for a new dress.

You see, today I also found out that I was going to treat myself to a new dress - but I can't just go out and buy one... it has to "find me", and it has to be perfect. But it's not going to find me unless I go around looking for one... usually this "finding" happens at a time when you're completely broke and you can't possibly buy the garment of your dreams. Lucky for me, this whole being broke thing doesn't occur as often as it used to.. heh..

puss puss.

By the way, I solved the whole alcohol crisis by borrowing an old bottle of Kahlua from my parents.. which I now realize is actually the same bottle that I used to steal sips from when I was 16-17 and had home alone parties. Haha. I'd rather have a bottle of wine, but we probably don't have one. That's what it's like to live with a family that usually only drinks alcohol-free beer. What's the point of that?

Internet crisis

This morning I woke up, tried to check up on my facebook.. and realized: no internet. Crap. So, the deal is, the C-dale is developing and they're builing everywhere around my house. So I just figured the morons finally cut the phone cable. Time to call the internet company.. wait a minute, that's me. Haha..

On the other hand, my diet is working perfectly! I've lost 6 pounds since I returned from Florida. Can you imagine? Little me who eats at least a little chocolate a day? Well, chocolate makes you happy which again is healthy... as long as you know the art of limiting yourself. Which, let's be honest here.. most people don't...

puss puss

Tuesday wine night in B-town

Yesterday I got a ride back from work when we finished late - which resulted in the three of us joining the brilliant idea of a wine night on a Tuesday. I was ecstatic, as I haven't had a reason to "celebrate" on a Tuesday since I came back from the U S & A. Can you imagine? And I didn't mind the sharing of work gossip...

a couple hours later, I ended up sleeping on my co-workers couch. I not only gossip, I make the gossip as well! O WELL. At least this meant that I woke up early downtown, and was able to make my brunch date with a friend who was in town. Well you can say that again, because the beyotch had been out the day before as well and overslept!

Rough morning, followed by ~8 hours of talking about internet connections (work).  Good to be home thanks!

A night out in K-town

Friday night Dan and I jumped on a plane to the infamous K-town. And by jumping on a plane, I mean arriving at the air-port about two hours too early, so we definatly had some time for drinks. By the time we arrived we were already in the mood for drunk-food.. this aside, we managed to stumble out on town and have a few drinks & dances, get home (thus, not everybody remembers this part very well) and fall a sleep on something we later decided to call.. the staircase.

Saturday night, we were a bit easier on the drinks, unlike the rest of K-town... they left their usual Christian, well-behaved selves at home and welcomed their new drunken selves.  There was seriously a fight every five minutes. Not to let this take the courage from us, we invited to a small afterparty.

At the afterparty I learned not to drink anything that is dark blue. It's poison. It will also make your tongue dark blue. Some people will even question your "black" tongue.

Our guests on the other hand, were not unlike the other K-towners we had met this night. Quite entertaining, slightly cocky. They were especially interested in Dan's mint green pants which they kept commenting. After a while Dan said "if you don't like my mint green pants, I'll take them off" - after which he proceeded to take off his pants and threw them in our guests face. We all found this quite funny and became friends afterwards. Taking off your pants always helps...

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